Related Websites
International Association for Voice Movement Therapy: www.iavmt.org
Christine Isherwood: www.vmtuk.com
Find Your Voice: www.darylvineberg.com
Mali Sastri: www.jaggery.org
Trish Watts: www.trishwatts.com
New Thought Vermont, William C. Freeman and Peter Miller: www.newthoughtvermont.com
Melanie Harrold: www.melanie-harrold.com
Express Yourself Through the Voice, Eva Campbell-Haidl: www.voicemovement.at
Sing for Joy Community Choirs for People with Parkinson’s Disease and Similar Conditions, Their Friends and Carers, Carol Grimes: www.carolgrimes.com/singforjoy
Voice Movement Therapy and Corporate and Private Training in Voice Movement Therapy, Gina Holloway Mulder: www.voice360.co.za
The American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA): www.adta.org
Leán Coetzer: www.bodysong.co.za
Julia Norton: www.julianorton.com
Eve Maisonpierre: www.movingvoice.com
Lisa Perry: www.lperrylpc.com
Lerina van Rensburg: www.thevoicebox.co.za/
Lena Mandotter: www.lenamandotter.com/song.html
Tracy Starreveld: www.voicemovementtherapy.co.uk/about-vmt.html
Sebastiana Black: www.sebastianablack.co.uk/voice-movement-therapy